Hi, my name is

My Story
Hey, I'm Kodak. Still young at around 5 years old, I feel like it's time for me to get out of here and get a job. I'm happy to work with you on a farm but what I'd really love is a chance to work with a Search & Rescue Unit that's looking for a canine member of the team! I mean, I was rescued and I'd love a chance to return the favor someday. I am highly trainable, smart, confident and driven to succeed.
I love to learn and explore, especially where smells are concerned. Speaking of smells, just so you know, my sniffer is on point! If you have treats, I already know. I can be laser focused when it comes to treats. I play well with other dogs, and could potentially have doggie siblings. I will say I'm a little intense with my food but I cant help it because it tastes (and smells) so good.
I love to go on walks but if you have a place for me to run safely off leash, I could really benefit from that. If you'd like to learn even more about me, or even just want to come say hi, I'll be here. Hope to see you soon!
Hmm, good question!
Let me get back to you!
Fun Facts
I’ll have to think about that!
Hmm, good question!
Let me get back to you!
Fun Facts
I’ll have to think about that!