Kotor Kitties

Kotor Kitties
Kotor Kitties
home 14318 Roslyn Place N, Seattle, WA, US 98133


About Kotor Kitties

Kotor Kitties volunteers are passionate about reducing the suffering and deaths of Montenegro's cats caused by massive overpopulation through high-volume spay-neuter!  Prevention is the most humane and cost-effective way to help the largest number of cats enjoy better health while reducing the overall population.

We work through local Montenegrin veterinarians and with individuals and NGOs caring for and rescuing the stray animals.

There are no shelters or rescues for cats in Montenegro, and no real foster or adoption programs. Once cats are TNRd they are usually put back in their community homes. However, each year dozens of litters of kittens--probably hundreds all together--are dumped, thrown out, or abandoned. A small percentage of these is rescued and hand-raised by volunteers, but once raised there are seldom any adoption possibilities. 

Please see the guidelines for working with our organization below.

Kotor Kitties is a registered nonprofit based in Seattle, Washington.  We work with cats exclusively in Montenegro (Eastern Europe)

We use Zeffy as our donation platform because it is 100% free for us, allows automatic monthly donations, notifies us promptly of donations and pays out the donations within a week after it is made.  Our donation form is here: Kotor Kitties Donation For

Please be aware of time zone differences for contacts in Montenegro, which is in Eastern Europe/the Balkan penninsula.  It is 6 hours ahead of New York/Eastern time, and 9 hours ahead of Seattle/Pacific time.

General Information

Manager or Director: April King
Organization Type: Other
EIN #: 83-3681675
501c3 Certified

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